Road Work Updates

PennDOT To Begin Construction To Replace Brownsville Road Bridge In Bucks County
PennDOT District 6 announced that construction will begin Monday, March 31, on a $12.1 million project to replace the Brownsville Road bridge over Neshaminy Creek in Lower Southampton and Middletown townships, Bucks County. Under this project, PennDOT’s contractor will replace the existing 68-year-old c...
New Truck Restriction In Place For Turk Road In Doylestown Township
The Doylestown Township Police Department says please be advised that Turk Road is now restricted to trucks over 30-feet in length between Almshouse Road and Bristol Road. An engineering study was completed on the roadway which resulted in the restriction. Signs have been installed upon all approaches t...
PA Turnpike Ready To Flip The Switch To Open Road Tolling
The Pennsylvania Turnpike (PA Turnpike) brings the future of toll collection worldwide to the Commonwealth with its conversion to Open Road Tolling (ORT) as the switch to ORT east of Reading and on the Northeast Extension will become active on Sunday, January 5 at 12:01 a.m., along with a new statewide toll s...
U.S. 1 Improvements Project Winter 2024/2025 Construction Update
PennDOT District 6 says construction of the new northbound U.S. 1 bridge over the Neshaminy Creek has been substantially completed as part of the long-term U.S. 1 Improvements Project. The new bridge is partially open to traffic while work continues into spring to finish the connecting sections of roadway on ...
Two-Week Shutdown Of New Hope-Lambertville Bridge Expected To Begin January 13
The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission has announced a January 13, 2025 starting date for a full two-week-long shutdown of the New Hope-Lambertville Toll-Supported Bridge. The full bridge closure is expected to prevent all motor vehicles and pedestrians from crossing the aging structure until on o...
Travel Safely This Thanksgiving Holiday!
Our Community Traffic Safety Program is taking the time to remind everyone in Bucks County to travel safely this Thanksgiving holiday by always wearing your seatbelt and never driving impaired or distracted! Whether you’re driving out of town or just across town to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, rem...
PennDOT & Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Develop “New Driver Work Zone Safety Program”
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) have joined forces to develop a "New Driver Work Zone Safety Program" to teach new drivers how to navigate in work zones with confidence and safety. The free, 35-minute virtual training program equips partici...
U.S. 1 Improvements Project Fall 2024 Construction Update
PennDOT District 6 says as new bridge construction wraps up at two locations on U.S. 1 in Bensalem and Middletown townships, deck placement begins on the new northbound structure over the Neshaminy Creek as PennDOT’s $111 million project to widen and improve U.S.1 in Bucks County progresses toward completio...
Unforeseen Structural Issue Found At New Hope-Lambertville Bridge
The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) has announced current vehicular and pedestrian travel restrictions at the 120-year-old New Hope-Lambertville Toll-Supported Bridge must be extended several more months due to an unforeseen structural condition in one of the bridge’s six spans. The ...