Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 6 officials recently highlighted more than 81 projects expected to be bid this year in the greater Philadelphia region, reflecting an estimated investment of $900 million.
Governor Shapiro’s commitment to delivering safe highways and bridges across the Commonwealth, remains a top priority. These investments support the Shapiro administration’s vision of a safe and reliable transportation network that connects Pennsylvanians to greater opportunity.
Governor Shapiro’s 2023-24 budget secured $125 million to fully leverage federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) investments and improve Pennsylvania’s roads and bridges. The investment is made possible by decoupling Pennsylvania State Police funding from the Motor License Fund and is the first year of the Governor’s four-year proposal to invest an additional $1.25 billion in the state’s infrastructure. Statewide in 2023, 684 bridges went out for bid to be repaired, replaced, or preserved and 7,011 roadway miles were improved by department or partner crews.
District 6 anticipates repairing or replacing 24 structures in 2024, which includes 787,023 square feet of bridge deck area. This year’s planned work also includes 155 miles of paving, 112 miles of seal coating, and 1,073 lane miles of crack sealing on state highways across southeast Pennsylvania.
As more construction projects get underway in the region, PennDOT, Pennsylvania State Police and AAA Mid-Atlantic recognized National Work Zone Awareness Week, which runs from April 15-19, urging motorists to drive cautiously in work zones, not only for their safety but for the safety of highway workers and pedestrians.
“As drivers, it’s easy to become complacent when passing through work zones, dismissing the warning signs as mere inconveniences, said Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Jessica Tobin. “But behind every barricade and detour are men and women risking their lives to improve our infrastructure. They are our brothers, sisters, and friends; they deserve our utmost respect and vigilance. We have the power to make a difference – to prevent crashes and save lives. Let’s honor the dedication and sacrifice of those working in our work zones by exercising caution, courtesy, and compassion on the road.”
For full details including notable projects that will continue across the southeast region this year please go to penndot.pa.gov