Air Quality Action!

Know today's air quality... Your health depends on it!
Help Improve Air Quality In Bucks County

Become a TMA Bucks Air Quality Partner Today!

In order to increase awareness of the Delaware Valley’s air quality problem and educate businesses, governments, and the general public on steps to take to reduce smog-forming pollutants, TMA Bucks is partnering with the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission to promote the Air Quality Partnership in Bucks County.

We are looking for interested businesses in Bucks County to become one of our Air Quality partners.

There is absolutely NO COST to participate; all materials are supplied to you.
We simply ask that your organization:

dvrpc air quality

  • Appoint an individual to receive daily air quality forecasts via e-mail from May until September
  • Alert employees when air quality is forecast to be unhealthy (Air Quality Action Days)
  • Display information when possible about the Air Quality Partnership for the benefit of visitors and employees
  • Spread the word about the AQP and steps to take on days when poor air quality is forecast through newsletters, community television, or other available means.

Participation is simple, and becoming a TMA Bucks Air Quality partner is an excellent way to show your organization’s commitment to cleaner air at a time when many companies are seeking ways to “go green.”

If you are interested in becoming an Air Quality Partner of the TMA please contact us by email at

TMA Bucks Air Quality Partners